Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I've been bitten.

This summer has been work work work all summer. Of course, that was expected since I just started my first job out of college. I obviously don't have any PTO or stored up sick days I can use for anything. I was completely prepared for that, but right now I just have an itch to get out of town; even if it's just a long weekend (which, of course, I don't have). 

I've been bitten by the travel bug. 

Since I can't actually go anywhere until at least September and I already know where all of my PTO for the year is going, here are some simple places I really wish I could go for an extended weekend. Maybe this will cure my itch. 

Washington, DC

I went to DC as a class trip in high school and I just really loved the city. I love history and being surrounded by all of it was awesome. Christian's sister lives in DC and I keep begging him to let us go visit her. I really want to do all the cheesy, tourist-y things! 


My family surprised me and took me to NYC for my 13th birthday for the weekend. I absolutely loved it. But, I really need to experience it now that I'm all old and stuff. I'm sure I would find even more to love about it. 


I've never been to Chicago, but the way Stephanie talks about it, we all need to get there immediately and apparently get drunk on a trolley!

Charleston, SC 

Again, I've never been here but I have always, always wanted to. I really hope I can make it next summer.

And, if I had an entire week of fun, I'd really love to be here: 

Christian and I are talking about going on a cruise next summer, but it would probably be in the Bahamas just since it closer/less expensive. But, we have talked seriously about a Mediterranean honeymoon cruise!  

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Alex[andra] said...

A cruise sounds amaaazing.

I've been to Chicago and loved it! I found NYC a bit too expensive for me. :(

Stephanie said...

YES come to Chicago and join me on a trolley adventure! You'll love every minute of it :)

Becky said...

Yayyy DC! When you visit we can hang out!! :)

Mackenzie said...

That's the beauty of living on the East coast... everything is relatively close! There's so many weekend trips to awesome places you can visit!

Erin LFF said...

Ughhh, why did you do this to me?! I want to go everywhere -haha!! Chicago is at the top of my list right now! BIG TIME! We were hoping to go this September but decided against it since we're trying to save money!

Miss Ish said...

Lovely places.You should include the Philippines(my country) on the list too. the beaches are just lovely during the summer and the accommodations are really cheap.

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Chelsee W said...

O girlie! I am so ready to get on a plane myself and do some traveling!

Amanda said...

You listed everywhere I want to go! And if you live in CLT you must go to Charleston! It can honestly be a day trip from CLT (That's all I did) and it's AMAZING! Sooo pretty, and there's lots of dolphins! I fell in love immediately when I went.