Thursday, June 6, 2019

May Exhaustion Leads to June Napping

Whew. I won't lie, I LOVE May but I am exhausted at the end of it. So much so that we're 6 days into June and I just now had the energy to recap May and plan out June goals!

There were so many good things in May:
- Barre teacher training
- I got to celebrate my birthday with friends in between trainings
- Taught my first 5 barre classes!
- Hosted our housewarming party and finally hung all our pictures
- Spent 3 very full, fun days with my best friend in Chicago!
- Had a perfect, very relaxing Memorial Day weekend in Cville

I also did a pretty good job of reaching May's goals!

Read 6 books. I read 10! You can see this post on Instagram for a list and see a few reviews on this post with the rest to come next week!
Read all current ARCs on NetGalley. Nope. I did try on this one, but also others books called to me. I got 3 read and my favorite was Red, White and Royal Blue which is now published and I sung praises for on Instagram and in my last book post. I have now received a couple real books as ARCs that will need to get read and reviewed soon!

Host housewarming party. Done! And it was so well. It was so fun to have barre friends, BumbleBFF friends, internet friends and of course, my best friend there to hang out together. Thankfully everyone liked it each other and the rain didn't stop us from having a great time. So much so, I don't have a single picture from it.

Gain 75 more #bookstagram followers. Done! I'm currently sitting 130 higher than I was on May 1 and have received some "real" ARCs as a result!

Complete barre teacher training. Done!! I am officially on the schedule for 6 AM on Wednesday and 8 AM on Saturday through the summer (schedules change seasonally)!

Now onward to June. I'm looking forward to June because we don't have a lot scheduled as of right now and I want to just play in Cville, hang out with friends, teach barre, eat a lot of watermelon, kayak and lay by the pool.

Read 6 books.You know, the standing goal that I always blow past. 

Start Harry Potter Christmas Tree. In our basement, I'm turning our "bonus room" area into our nerd room and that includes a Harry Potter Christmas tree. Just wait til you see it! 

Finish current ARCs for NetGalley. I've got 6 as of right now and I really need to finish and review them to get my score up so I can keep requesting! 

75 more Bookstagram followers. Slowly but surely chugging along over there. I LOVE Bookstagram so much and I LOVE getting to read new books for free. 

Go kayaking at least once. We tried to go last weekend and shockingly, it rained. Like it has since the middle of September. So fingers crossed for us, please. 

Set up office at home. My work office is moving downtown in two weeks, so I am going to be utilizing my home office a little bit more. And, it's a total eyesore right now because its the only room still full of crap! 

Plan a weekend to go to Charlotte. We are looking to go back for a weekend in July to see our besties and our parents/grandparents since we haven't seen them in awhile. We also have some stuff in my grandparent's garage we need to get. 

Hang pictures. We need some new frames to hang the last 5 pictures! 

1 comment:

Audrey Louise said...

Yay! Congratulations with all the barre success and bookstagram success!! That's so exciting! Once we have this baby and I'm cleared to workout I think I'm going to make barre my key workout for getting back in shape. I did a few classes a while ago and really loved it. May wasn't super busy for us but I was exhausted every day, lol. It just seemed to fly by!