After ice cream, we met up with my parents at Longhorn's. Sadly, I wolfed down my steak and potato too fast to get a picture and I'm sure you guys are thankful for that since it's almost lunch time. It's also sad how much I love steak. After dinner we hung out with family some more and the animals before heading to bed early because we're grandparents.
Saturday Christian wanted to sleep in and my parents had to work so I fit in some quality ABC Family movie time before dragging him across town to eat at my favorite Japanese restaurant. Inoko's started out as your typical Japanese steakhouse where they cook in front of you but then they opened the quick style about 10 minutes from the house I grew up in. I had a friend who worked there, too. So, needless to say, I'm obsesses. They have the most magical "yellow sauce" that's a million times better than shrimp sauce.
After lunch, we picked up some coffee beans from Jittery Joes where I worked in high school. It's only in Georgia and one or two cities in Tennessee so we have to stock up while we're home!
Once my parents were off work, we headed to Atlanta for the whole reason we were in Georgia: the Supercross.
My family is a motorcycle family. I grew up with my dad a racing and my brother started racing when he was 5 years old so it kind of consumes our lives and this is their favorite thing to do every year! I personally love the people watching. Rednecks everywhere.
Yes, that's me drinking a Budweiser and eating cotton candy. I also had popcorn, Dippin' Dots and a giant pretzel. They were making fun of me, but you only get those kinds of food at big events like this!
The section we were in wasn't quite as bad as I'm used to but there were still some scary things. The one that really stuck out to me was a girl as we were leaving: crunchy curly hair where it looks wet, white blonde roots, orange (supposed to be blonde) in the middle and jet black tips... All while wearing the tightest hip hugger flared pants with a thong hanging out, shirt too short and too tight and no jacket.. in February..
Traffic leaving Atlanta was HORRENDOUS and we didn't get home until close to 1 am and it was straight to bed for the grandparents again. The whole house slept in late before I dragged them all out to lunch with me to get some Barberitos. If you've never had it, I'm sorry. It knocks Moe's and Chipotle out of the water #sorrynotsorry
I also had to watch my little brother ride a street bike... Watching him riding the biggest dirt bike made is already hard enough and then I have to watch him ride a street bike with OTHER CARS on the road who drive like maniacs was a struggle.
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Dad and Andrew in my rear view mirror pulling out! |

ummm cotton candy AND dippin dots?! Sign me up! haha
Looks like a fun weekend!
I've never been to the supercross but I love the food at sporting events, it's how Brian gets me to go!!
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