Okay, so I didn't really go anywhere but after all that excitement last week I could barely focus on blogging! And my Bloglovin' feed is really proving that... so don't be alarmed when you get comments from me on your post from last Monday ;)
We did have a really great weekend this weekend though not quite as exciting as last weekend! Thursday, I got to leave work early at 7p instead of midnight so we headed out to dinner with a couple of Christian's friends and his best man treated us to dinner to celebrate. After dinner, the boys hung out while I came home, put on PJs, watched my DVRed wedding shows and started hunting down venues!
Friday morning I had to work for 4 hours since I left early the night before. It was a complete waste of my time because it was so slow and I was told it was going to be busy and that's why I split up my shift. After that waste of time, I came home to pick up Christian and we headed down to Monroe to see my parents who were staying at my grandparents for the weekend.
The rest of Friday was pretty low key and we spent it just hanging out with my family on the couches. Then, we headed out to my grandparents favorite restaurant and had an absolutely delicious dinner. We're hoping to get the owner/chef there to cater our wedding since my grandparents are such good friends with him so I made sure Christian picked out things that sounded good for the wedding.
My grandmother also told the owner's wife we just got engaged. She just kind of stared at me and then goes "but you're like 16?!"............ I know I look young, but really?! Sixteen?! I assured I wasn't sixteen and that I've got a degree, a job and I've been fully supporting myself for years now.
After dinner, we came up, cuddled up in bed and watched Scandal from Thursday. I am so addicted to that show and I couldn't stand wasting anymore time before watching it!
Saturday morning we slept in before headed down to Monroe again. Once we got down there, we watched the first half of the UGA game and then the boys headed to some cool new outdoor store of some kind while Mom and I ran errands for dad's birthday and got lunch. I haven't gotten to spend a lot of one on one time with my mom in a very long time so I was really happy that we had a couple hours to spend alone.
For dinner, my grandparents made the most wonderful steak, potatoes, okra and brussel sprouts for dinner and my mom and I had gotten a caramel cake for dessert! It was dad's 50th birthday so we had to celebrate accordingly! Sadly, Christian and I had to head home so I could get my old butt to bed so I could drag myself up Sunday morning for a 10a-9p shift like normal.
It was a roughhhhh day at work Sunday and I'm absolutely exhausted today. Christian is working from home this morning so we're hanging out on the couch and I'm doing some more venue and photographer hunting. His parents are coming over for dinner, tonight, and it's the first time we've seen them since we got engaged so I'm sure it will be a fun evening!

so I haven't started watching this season of Scandal yet, but you were one of the reasons I started watching! can't wait to catch up on the new season!
Sounds like an awesome weekend, so exciting!
I need to catch up on Scandal, I'm behind already! Venue hunting must be a lot of fun, I can't wait to see the one y'all pick :)
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