Wednesday, April 10, 2013

I can't believe it!

I'm linking up with Robin today for "I can't believe" on this beautiful Wednesday!

I can't believe... this happened last night. Needless to say, I didn't sleep well. 

I live on Meadowview.

I can't believe... there are only 24 days until the 1 year anniversary of my 21st birthday!

I can't believe... there are only 31 days until graduation. holyyyyyyyyyyy balls. 

I can't believe... it is finally gorgeous in Boone! It's making me really not want to leave this town... ever. 

I can't believe...  the end of this whole "long distance relationship "is NEXT MONTH. We will finally be in the same town again!!!

I can't believe... how late my post is today... I was lacking time/motivation last night. Oops. 

Hope everyone's having a great hump day!

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