Monday, March 31, 2014

It's Monday! It's Monday!

It's Monday and I'm writing a blog post right now. Woot woot! Basically, each week my schedule will change, but this week I lucked out with it! I'm working Monday - Thursday 2p - 11p and then Sunday 12p - 9p. This means I'm still off Friday and Saturday this week and will still have a semi-traditionally weekend! I am pumped!

I mentioned on Friday that we had a relaxing weekend planned and it was wonderful!

After I finally got off work Friday and drove through the wonderful Charlotte rush hour, I met up with Christian and we headed to dinner. His parents had given us a gift card to Carrabas so we headed there and it was. so. good. And I stuffed myself to the gills. We also reserved a redbox (seriously, I love the redbox app) and grabbed some ice cream on the way home. We spent the rest of the night pigging out on ice cream and watching movies before heading to bed relatively early!

I ate mine too fast so I stole this from Google... but this is what I ate and it was delightful!
After sleeping in, we finally got up and drove to Concord Mills. It's allllllll the way on the other side of Charlotte and you basically take a highway all the way around Charlotte. Traffic was a breeze until you hit the exit for the mall and then it was just frightening. Drivers are terrible in this town. So so bad. And trying to find a parking spot was torture. We'll have to plan it better next time we want to go up there... maybe on a Friday or during the week, instead.

They have a couple of really great outlet stores like Banana Republic, LOFT, New York & Company, GAP, Old Navy, etc. I got some really wonderful pieces at Banana - like a phenomenal hot pink tweed skirt. I cannot even wait to wear it!! Christian needed some work clothes too, so we spent a lot of time looking at boring buttons downs...

We also had some yummy Salsaritas for lunch (seriously, why don't I eat this more?!) and then grabbed some gelato on the way out of the mall. It's so hard to find gelato and that place was awesome! After coming home and watching some HGTV - per usual - Christian decided he wanted to go for a run so I ordered a pizza while he was gone.. I'm literally the worst person when it comes to food. If you want to be healthy, avoid me at all costs!

Well, now I'm off to find a nice laptop/work bag before heading into work. Hope you're all having a wonderful day!

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