I got up early to drive down to GA Thursday morning. As much as I didn't like driving on Thanksgiving morning, I liked how fast traffic was moving and how quickly I was able to get home! Then, I spent the early afternoon helping mom finish up cooking. She doesn't normally cook Thanksgiving because my grandmother does, but she did an awesome job and everything was SO good!
We love going to see movies on Thanksgiving so mom and my brother headed out to see Frozen and ohmygosh it was so cute!! I highly doubt I will ever be old enough that I don't want to see a Disney movie and I think you need to go see it. Right now. Leave. Go.
Friday, I did sleep in a liiiittle bit but my parents have a golden retriever puppy. Super cute, but super annoying in the mornings. We did decide to do a little bit of Black Friday shopping at Target and Hobby Lobby. I got some adorable sweaters for 40% off at Target and some Christmas decorations for 50% at Hobby Lobby. Seeing as it's our very first Christmas, we have practically nothing so I had to get a few things!
We also picked up my parents Christmas tree and I just hung out with my family all night before heading to bed early so I could get up early to go WEDDING DRESS SHOPPING with some of my best friends. More on this later, I promise!
After the entire day of emotional shopping, I headed back up to Charlotte and literally went straight to bed. Christian was out with his sister's so I collapsed into bed and was out. And then Sunday started my very tiring work week and that's literally all I'll be complaining about for the next week ;)

As much fun as the holidays are, sometimes you really do need a vacation from any vacation! It sounds like you had a good Thanksgiving and that food looks delicious! I can't wait to hear about dress shopping!
sundays grace
I've heard so many good things about Frozen, I can't wait to see it!
I must be the only one who didn't like Frozen...we loved the storyline but I thought all of the songs were absolutely terrible!
Can't wait to hear more about the wedding dress shopping!!! :) We decorated on Saturday and it was so fun! I'm so happy it's the christmas season now :)
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