I feel like many of my posts recently have had a similar title. College is just flying by and I'm starting to get nervous for it to leave. Yes, this year has been extremely stressful with my insane amount of schoolwork and 30 hours a week of work up until the end of March, but college is a blast. I'm going to miss being able to sleep in and skip class for no reason (this is what I did Monday, oops!). I'm going to miss 3 day weekends (thank you, Walker College of Business). I'm going to miss only 3 hours of class a day versus 8 hours of work a day. I'm going to miss day-drinking being an acceptable past time when the weather is warm.I'm really excited about this next adventure but I'm really starting to miss college and I haven't left.
BUT. I do have quite a lot to look forward to these next 17 days, so I'm focusing on that!
BUT. I do have quite a lot to look forward to these next 17 days, so I'm focusing on that!
This weekend:
- Headed down to Charlotte Friday and I get to play with wittle Emmy all weekend!
- Saturday we're walking in the Walk to Defeat ALS for this man and his family:
- Sunday I'm off to Carowinds with Christian, Sam and her husband. I haven't been since I was 8!
~~ 4 days of class ~~
Next weekend:
- TIM MCGRAW for an early birthday celebration.
- Saturday is my BIRTHDAY! I love birthdays. Seriously. I love a whole day dedicated to me. And I usually make it last an entire weekend. See: last year.
- Sunday I'll probably be recovering. Oops.
And then it's finals week. I've got two presentations on Monday (5/6) and one final on Tuesday (5/7) and that's IT. I am done with college and schooling forever. I'm currently in denial that one day I'll be going back for a Master's.
I also ordered these gorgeous announcements from Shutterfly to let extended family and friends know about my graduation even though they're not technically invited.

I'm so excited for you, this is huge! What a great feeling to be almost done. And your two weekends coming up sound awesome, have fun!
I'm so jealous you get to see Tim McGraw!! I think you're going in Raleigh if it's next weekend - I was dying to go but I have 2 finals that day and one Monday :( Have so much fun!
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