I thought I would do a little recap of the last 2 V-day's I've had and look forward to this year, while giving some fun tips on things to do single and in a relationship!
Two years ago.
Christian and I had been dating about 4 months and he was a little hesitant still at this point (one day I'll get around to the story of us), so I didn't want to freak him out by demanding some huge thing for the night. That night he shows up at my apartment with 2 bottles of wine (white and red because he "didn't know which I wanted.. cutie) and a case of Yeungling (one of my favorites!). Then we went to Subway and grabbed a Redbox. Now, this could seem weird but it was perfect for us. We are so calm and laid back that we just really enjoyed forgetting the rest of the world and snuggling all night.
Last year.
Sadly, actual Valentine's Day was spent doing homework and studying for a test the next day. But we dedicated the entire weekend before to just being us. We paid for a couples massage and it was the most glorious experience. We got a free hot candle wax upgrade and roses and it was only $40 each! After all that relaxation it was time for cuddling and an early bed time. The next day we did absolutely nothing. Not a thing. Then we went to dinner and I got a steak (as I've mentioned before, this is my favorite food). The weekend was so lazy and perfect and I loved that we just did something together instead of trying to buy each other presents and spend money on a fancy dinner and all that.
This year.
I have no idea what we're doing. I have to work all next weekend because my boss will be out of town. Therefore, I'm headed to Charlotte tomorrow night and he's been told to plan something fun. Then, in 2 weeks he's coming to Boone and I'm in charge of planning something fun. I'm considering a picnic if it's not snowing...which it probably will be ha.
Ideas for you.
- I'm a huge fan of the couples massage. Christian is too. If you live in a city with Groupon or LivingSocial, they have a TON of deals out right now to get a reasonable price!
- If you're normally a couple that goes out, stay in! Make dinner, order Chinese or a pizza, watch a movie, watch an entire season of a great show. Just spend time together.
- If you normally stay in, go out! Go to a fancy dinner or a not-so-fancy dinner. Just do something different!
- Picnics are awesome if it's not freezing and snowy like it is here.
- Ice skating. I really wanted to do this over Christmas so maybe I can convince him now ;)
- Go to the zoo. Or aquarium.
Every other Valentine's Ever.
I've always been single on Valentine's Day. Honestly, I think I cared way more about Valentine's when I was single than I do now. But I always ended up having fun. So if you do happen to be single this year, don't fret! There is tons of fun to be had!
- Girl's night anyone? I once had one that involved every uncooked batter you can think of.
- Throw a party! A fun idea is that everyone you invite must bring a single friend that they're not interested in. Then everyone can mix and mingle without worrying about annoying couples being mushy gushy. And you just might find a new special someone.
- Homework. Let's be real, it's on a Thursday night. College professors don't care that it's Valentine's Day.
- Chick flicks. Go on and bask in your singleness. Boyfriends usually disapprove and don't watch chick flicks so do it while you can! You can do this by yourself or with friends ( I kinda prefer the sappy movies alone).
Do you guys have any fun plans or ideas to add?
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